Come Bet In Craps

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The best bets at the craps table are the pass line bet and the don't pass bet. The come and don't come bets are also great wagers. I always advise casino gamblers to try to limit their gambling to games where the house edge is lower than 2% — preferably 1.5% or lower. The house edge for the pass and come bets is the same, 1.41%, which. Place bet vs come bet in a game of Craps For the first few years of playing craps, I was a come bettor. As I learned more about the game and how the payouts worked, I realized that the place bet was the far better bet.

Place bet vs come bet in a game of Craps For the first few years of playing craps, I was a come bettor. As I learned more about the game and how the payouts worked, I realized that the place bet was the far better bet. Wonder wood game.

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Thanks to you and everyone on this forum. I am looking forward to reading more here and learning. I have always been intimidated by the craps table, but now I can 't wait to go to the casino! I live near Niagara Falls and the dollar is really good right now vs the Canadian dollar. They have some nice casinos there.

Make a DAILY MAX LOSS LIMIT and then STICK TO IT!!! If you don't do that one thing, you can kiss your money goodbye. ALL of your money.

Craps is one of the most addicting activities on the planet. You won't be the first intelligent guy to fall into its clutches. My cousin lost everything 3x over throwing the cubes.
Since you are on this forum, I can only suggest that you follow the wisdom of the wizard himself, and at least try to learn how to 'lose more slowly' before you try to invent a 'winning system' through trial and error. You lose more slowly by making the bets with the best paybacks, and in craps, that directly translates into ONLY Pass-line/Come (or don'ts) and max odds.
Just hanging around the tables isn't an option because if you're there you WILL want to play, and this will test your self-control.
Why have those inter-personal struggles? What good is it?
If you want to learn the game from the inside-out, you need to understand the concept of WAYS.
HERE is my own mathematical explanations of ways. If you get on the other side of the table (the gaming business), then there is no 'good luck' involved; the money will flow from the customers pocket into ours because of the power of statistical certainty. If you choose to flaunt this advice and try Lady Luck instead, that is what your inter-personal struggles will be up against.. statistical certainty. Lady Luck won't bail you out, and she won't pay for my cousin's 3x bankruptcies, either.
BE SMART. The only game in the casino a player can win over the long haul is poker.
The difference between zero and the smallest possible number? It doesn't matter; once you cross that edge, it might as well be the difference between zero and 1. The difference between infinity and reality? They are mutually exclusive.
I might catch some s#it for this, but I suggest you look at John Patrick's books: 'Craps' and 'Advanced Craps.'
He has some pretty good sections on different craps plays (both right side and dark side), money management, discipline, and the reality of gambling.
He's a weird duck though. with an over the top, in your face writing style

Hop The Sevens Craps


I might catch some s#it for this, but I suggest you look at John Patrick's books: 'Craps' and 'Advanced Craps.'
He has some pretty good sections on different craps plays (both right side and dark side), money management, discipline, and the reality of gambling.
He's a weird duck though. with an over the top, in your face writing style

Come Bet In Craps Strategy

Here, catch! lol..
If the House lost every hand, they wouldn't deal the game.

I am new at craps, and have learned that it is advisable to have 3 total bets max at a time (pass line bet and two come bets, all with odds). What should I do if I win a come bet or two, continue placing more come bets somImalways have 3 on the table? Or, should I take my winnings for each point won, and going from 3 bets, to 2, then 1 after a few wins, (leaving just the place bet) and wait until a 7 comes up,and we start over?
2nd question. Do most people play as many come bets as possible or stop at 3 total bets. I've seen videos where they keep placing come bets until all the numbers are covered, and then they continue to make come bets after winning a pont.

I'll try to keep it short and sweet. (edit: I failed oh well)
The absolutely best way to play is the way where the odds bet is always working. And that way says NEVER EVER bet the come because you can't take odds without specifically asking for the odds to be turned on. Otherwise 2/3 of the time your odds will be off (on the come bets).
But there's a whole other story when you talk about strategies that use zero free (ie: odds) bets.
Without odds, there is a slight hedge against the red (that's the seven) when you have a come bet in action.
That's the biggest deciding factor on when to keep putting more money in the come versus putting more money on odds. It's not just the house edge, but the presence of two bets combining together to create a 'push' situation reduces the volatility. That reduction in volatility is more significant the less odds that you have.
One you have single odds or better, it's less of a problem.
But reducing volatility can ensure that you have a longer play session at a given betting level. If you can do this sort of betting without tipping off whoever is rating your action, you may get rated for more action and you might score a free room or a free meal or some other thing (by betting fewer odds and more come bets or any other bets that carry a house edge).
If you want to play for minimum volatility and maximum comps at a casino where you unsure if they rate odds, you can play a technique where craps is the bad number instead of sevens and most of the time you can break even if that's all you're trying to do, and you'll get comp'd for the sum-total of all the action on the felt.
So, for example, if you only have $100, and you want to have fun losing $20 and get $5 in comps, you can make that a goal and you might break even with $5 in comps instead. Betting the same amount on the come after a point is established and not betting odds for that first roll after the point is established, essentially changes your single passline bet as betting against the seven to twice as much action with only risking at most half of your action in the worst case for that roll (craps). This happens 1 in 9 chance instead of 1 in 6.
In every case with craps, you are betting on the roll not on the felt. That's always my view.
So one unit on the pass line and one unit on the come is two units of action (both carry a HA%, so they WILL be rated in most any casino).
You can only lose one of two units on that roll.
So let's say you bet one unit on the pass, then the point gets set to 6. Next roll you bet one unit on the come, and that travels to the eight.
Now you have two even-money pay potentials on the six and eight, and you bet the come again. Now you have $15 in action. The worst outcome is seven OR craps, which results in a net $5 loss for that roll (hedged as you can't lose more than $5 on that roll).
If you wanted to increase your exposure to more than $5, you could bet $6 or $7 or $11 on the come. Then your worst case outcome would be the 1/9 chance of a craps again where you would lose the come. But a seven would be further hedged against so that the outcome for a seven would be a net loss of $4, $5, or $0 for the $6, $7, or $11 coming.
Likewise, if you want to press your wins, pressing them into the come instead of into place bets saves you considerably on your compound edge.
If you only bet the come, each roll has an edge of 0.41%
As your action increases, that 0.41% on the come compared to 1.11% on the five and nine or 6.66% on the four and ten for $5 makes a tremendous difference (comparing continuous come to $32 across with pressure for example).
Come Bet In Craps

Very few people bet this way (parlay or press into the come instead of into place bets).

Don't Come Bet In Craps

It seems like a less intelligent way to gamble when you always get paid even money.
But the math bears out the fact that you will have a better chance of winning betting come with no odds than $32 across with pressure due to the high percentage cost of bets below $20 on the four and ten or the place bets on the five and nine. Again, ESPECIALLY when applying pressure as the compounding effect on these outside numbers spells death.
When you venture outside of bets that have no HA% (the odds bets) it's a whole different story.
If you are truly a smart gambler in craps, you have to learn patience and maximizing ALL free bets before making any other bets that carry a cost.
I hope this helps. I don't want to go on too long in any direction, but if this helps you think of other ways to play the game, I'm more than happy to say more. I'll be visiting my mom this weekend, and I have a few spare cycles.
Good luck to all craps players. You don't have to bet smart, but in my opinion, you should at least know how if you're going to play the game just so you can shake off the dealer's trying to gain your confidence selling you one good bet to sucker you into five or six bad ones.

If you are truly a smart gambler in craps,

Quote: Ahigh

you have to learn patience and maximizing ALL free bets before making any other bets that carry a cost.

You gotta buy one to get one for free? That's really smart.
Edit: Name me ONE PERSON who has made any money playing casino craps over a long period of time without cheating. Why are you encouraging this guy to try the impossible? War Games was right.. 'The only way to win is not to play.'
The difference between zero and the smallest possible number? It doesn't matter; once you cross that edge, it might as well be the difference between zero and 1. The difference between infinity and reality? They are mutually exclusive.

ParadoxEdit: Name me ONE PERSON who has made any money playing casino craps over a long period of time without cheating.

Alex Karras made millions at craps over a couple months, but then quickly lost it all back to Binion.
So, does a couple months equal 'a long period of time?'
'What, me worry?'

Alex Karras made millions at craps over a couple months, but then quickly lost it all back to Binion.
So, does a couple months equal 'a long period of time?'

The difference between zero and the smallest possible number? It doesn't matter; once you cross that edge, it might as well be the difference between zero and 1. The difference between infinity and reality? They are mutually exclusive.
While I happen to agree with you, a couple months is certainly not what most people think of as 'the short run,' either.
Variance happens.

Alex Karras made millions at craps over a couple months, but then quickly lost it all back to Binion.
So, does a couple months equal 'a long period of time?'

Archie Karas. He's in jail I think for cheating by marking cards in San Diego.
Two cents per roll per $505 action is the cheapest gamble in vegas for pure chance play.
Suggesting that paying two cents per roll for five hundred in action is significant demonstrates a lack of understanding for the costs associated with giving this action to the patron.
Casinos lose money on this, you certainly must agree. So truly it's the casino that is taking the risk here. Not the player. It is simple to demonstrate that optimal play on a 100x table has a player ahead of the casino close to 50% of the time on average for a long # of rolls. Certainly more yhan 88% $!0+ machine.
Factor in the cost of operating the table and for optimal play, it is a LOSING GAME FOR THOSE PLAYERS. COST TO OPERATE IS HIGHER THAN THE EARNINGS for these intelligent players getting more than two cents per roll of gambling value.

Alex Karras made millions at craps over a couple months, but then quickly lost it all back to Binion.
So, does a couple months equal 'a long period of time?'

Alex Karras was a football player turned actor who punched out a horse in Blazing Saddles. He died in 2012

Types of Craps Bets

Line Bets:
Single Roll Bets:
Multi Roll Bets:
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This is the most powerful bet in all of craps. In order to play the free odds bet, you must have wagered on the pass line bet or the come bet. If the shooter has not rolled a craps number (2, 3, or 12) or a 7 or 11, then there must be a point number established (4, 5, 6, 8, 9, or 10). Once the point has been established, players can have access to the pass odds bet or come odds bet (also just known as free odds).

Players may wager on the free odds bet in multiples of their original pass/come bet amount. Most casinos allow multiples of 1x, 2x, or 3x. Casinos in Las Vegas for example will allow players to wager 10x, 50x and even 100x odds bets. The rule of thumb is this: The more money you bet on the odds bet, the lower the house edge becomes in your overall pass/come bet that you originally made.

The odds bet itself pays out true odds, meaning there is a 0% (yes zero) house edge. There is not a single game you will ever find at the casino that will offer no house edge. It is as if you are betting head or tails on the flip of a coin. This means totally fair odds. This bet wins when the shooter rolls the point number before a 7.

Remember, the number 7 is the most frequently rolled number. Then 6 and 8 are the next two frequent, followed by 9 and 5, then 4 and 10 with the least frequent of the point numbers. The 6 and 8 pay out 6:5 or $6 for every $5 wagered. 5 and 9 pay out 3:2. 4 and 10 pay out 2:1 odds. Note that these payouts are only for the odds bet. The original Pass/Come line bet will still be paid 1:1 if it wins.

I will explain the bet using the image below. First I made a pass line bet and the shooter rolled a 4 on the come out roll. The number 4 become the point number (noted by the puck that now says 'ON'). Then the dealer moved my chips up to that area of the layout and I made a 1x multiplier free odds bet (so there are two $88 chip stacks now), which gets placed right next to the chips that the dealer moved up there. I will win both bets if the dealer rolls another 4.

Click on the image above to instantly practice and play free craps in your browser.
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* As of 2021, US players are unable to play the craps game listed above. US players please click the banners on the left side (or below for mobile users) to visit free and real-money craps games at US-friendly casinos.

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