Leo Gambling Horoscope

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  1. Leo Horoscope Tarot
  2. Daily Love Leo Horoscope

Leo Money Horoscope: Six weeks and two days after retrograding back out of your financial sector the dwarf planet Ceres will return on Tuesday and with perfect timing. With Neptune still in retrograde motion but turning direct later in the month, Ceres returns to resume her mission to update your. This won't make you popular and could even stir up problems between you and a certain person. Try to live and let live Leo and use your intense emotions in positive ways. Lucky colours are passionfruit and chocolate. Lucky numbers are 25 and 9. Wed Oct 2: Efficient Leo This is a great day for being practical and organized, in true Leo style.

Fortune seekers, make sure everyday is your lucky day by checking your free horoscope at Zodiac Casino. Check your lucky numbers for the week and see which famous people share your stars. To ensure you get your weekly horoscope double click on your preferred home page below







Mar 21 - Apr 19

Famous Arians
Elle Macpherson
Eric Claption
Eddie Murphy
David Letterman
Sarah Michelle Gellar
Steve McQueen

Aries - February 18, 2021 - Change can be difficult but it is not impossible. To change oneself is a choice. This is why it is not something that you can demand or force on someone else. If a person is not willing to change themselves, then there is nothing that you can do other than make your own choices. This week, you need to think about what you want and think about the sacrifices you will need to make to get it. Only you can decide what is worth it. Will you continue to stand still and let your life pass you by while you wait for someone to meet you halfway or will you move forward? Just as a win at the casino cannot be guaranteed, remember that time waits for no one. Pay attention to this week's lucky numbers: 7, 38, and 54.

Apr 20 - May 20

Famous Taurians
Jack Nicholson
Barbra Streisand
Jay Leno
George Clooney
Katherine Hepburn
Pierce Brosnan

Taurus - February 18, 2021 - How you want to live your life is up to you and no one else. That said, there may be certain people who seem to think that they know better than you do when it comes to making important decisions regarding your personal affairs. Although these individuals may mean well, this does not give them the right to tell you what choices you should make. Be polite but be assertive and let these people know they need to back off. You are more than capable of standing on your own two feet. Belief in yourself is likely to catapult you toward bigger and better things, including at the casino. Pay attention to this week's lucky numbers: 13, 25, and 43.

May 21 - Jun 20

Famous Geminis
Miles Davis
Kylie Monogue
John F Kennedy
Clint Eastwood
Angelina Jolie
Johnny Depp

Gemini - February 18, 2021 - This week, aggressive people may try to interfere with your plans. While you may need to make a few compromises, don't just let other people bully you into backing down. Learning to think and act on your feet is likely to help you overcome certain self-esteem issues with which you've been struggling. Never underestimate your value or your desire to succeed. You can play the game just as well as the next person. Putting your needs before the desires of others should be our primary goal. Finding satisfaction at the casino will not be as difficult as you might think. Pay attention to this week's lucky numbers: 8, 42, and 50.

Jun 21 - Jul 22

Famous Cancerians
Sylvester Stallone
Pemela Anderson
Harrison Ford
David Hasselhoff
Robin Williams
Cyndi Lauper

What does igt mean in texting. Cancer - February 18, 2021 - You might think about making changes in your home this week. They could be physical changes, such as redecorating or remodeling or they could be lifestyle changes if someone is moving in or out. No matter the change you experience, the good news is that it is likely to be a fortunate one. Not all change is bad. In fact, some are quite natural and wholly satisfying. Once you make the changes that are needed, you will be able to proceed in a new direction with confidence. The inspiration you feel this week will motivate you to stay positive, which could be an advantage for you at the casino. Pay attention to this week's lucky numbers: 17, 28, and 60.

Leo Horoscope Tarot

Jun 23 - Jul 22

Famous Leos
Mick Jagger
Martha Stewart
Robert Di Niro
Kenny Rogers
Gillian Anderson

Leo - February 18, 2021 - You might feel protective today, especially when it comes to the wellbeing of the people that you love. That said, take care that your good protective intentions don't lead to you overstepping bounds. Remember that even though you might feel like fighting someone's battle for them, you need to let them take charge. Ultimately, it's their decision what they decide to do, even if what they decide is not something that you agree with. You might feel that you are out of options when faced with a certain problem. You're not. Take a break and let your mind relax. A clear head will help you to see new possibilities, the same goes for your latest gambling strategy. Pay attention to this week's lucky numbers: 1, 20, and 34.

Aug 23 - Sep 22

Famous Virgos
Steve GuttenBerg
Sean Connery
Cameron Diaz
Bill Murray
Raquel Welch
Keanu Reeves

Virgo - February 18, 2021 - You may feel confused this week when you discover that what you thought would be an easy task to complete turns out to be far more complex. Don't lose your temper or your patience. No matter how hard the situation might seem, there is a solution and there's a very good chance that someone close to you has the answer you need. It might be time to ask for help instead of trying to go it alone. Remember, you don't have anything to prove to anyone else or to yourself. Sometimes, it's more important to get a job done than to focus on how it's completed. A logical path at the casino is likely to lead to a sensible result. Pay attention to this week's lucky numbers: 9, 29, and 48.

Sep 23 - Oct 22

Famous Librans
Barbara Walters
John Lennon
Tommy Lee
Olivia Newton-John
Catherin Zeta-Jones
Will Smith

Libra - February 18, 2021 - Things are likely to settle down this week. This is the perfect time to get your life in order and to steer clear of taking on new projects or challenges. Sticking with simple tasks and ordinary routines will be more than fulfilling. You might think that by not pushing your limits you're missing out on certain opportunities, but if you don't learn to be satisfied with what you already have, taking bigger risks could ultimately lead to greater losses. Be grateful for what you have and for the simpler things in life. Keep this in mind when you play at the casino. Pay attention to this week's lucky numbers: 6, 37, and 53.

Oct 23 - Nov 22

Famous Scorpios
Bill Gates
Julia Roberts
Sally Field
Danny DeVito
Jenny McCarthy
Henry Winkler

Scorpio - February 18, 2021 - This week you may have the opportunity to do something unselfish for someone you love or for someone who is in need. Take advantage of this opportunity because the person you help out isn't likely to be the only one who benefits from your actions. In fact, something positive may occur in your life because of it. If you crave excitement, feed your desire by doing something that you find to be thrilling and rewarding. That being said, take care not to toss reality aside so that you can escape into a fantasyland. At the casino, keep both feet firmly planted on the ground. Save your daydreaming for another time. Pay attention to this week's lucky numbers: 5, 14, and 31.

Nov 23 - Dec 22

Daily Love Leo Horoscope

Famous Sagittarians
Jimi Hendrix
Bette Midler
Donny Osmond
Brad Pitt
Steven Spielberg
Alyssa Milano

Sagittarius - February 18, 2021 - This could be a very good week for networking. It may also be a good week for providing others with advice and answers. That said, take care that you do not allow the problems of others to distract you from what needs to be done. It is easy to want to wrap yourself up in situations that do not directly affect you rather than to face those that do and are difficult to control. You may find that meditation and mindfulness exercises will help you to manage excess stress. Do not allow your anxiety to get the better of you. If you feel it creeping up when you're playing at the casino, quit while you're ahead and take a break. Pay attention to this week's lucky numbers: 11, 22, and 47.

Dec 23 - Jan 22

Famous Capricorns
Mel Gibson
Elvis Presley
Mary Tyler Moore
Tiger Woods
Dolly Parton
Muhammed Ali

Capricorn - February 18, 2021 - This week, it might be time to draw some clear boundaries with the people you care about. Everyone needs their space and right now this goes double for you. Although certain individuals may struggle with your desire to want to be left alone, any disappointment that they may feel is their problem and not yours. Spending some quite time with yourself will likely help you to take a break from all the noise around you. Too many jumbled thoughts and unnecessary worries have you confused about what does and what does not matter. Once you sort out the good from the bad, the path to success will be easier to see. Pay attention to this week's lucky numbers: 12, 40, and 59.

Jan 23 - Feb 22

Famous Aquarians
Paul Newman
Oprah Winfrey
Phil Collins
Jennifer Aniston
John Travolta
Peter Gabriel

Aquarius - February 18, 2021 - Try not to manipulate other people and situations so that things work out in your favor. This week you are likely to have a magnetic charm that will not only draw people to you but inspire them to want to do things for you as well. There's nothing wrong with taking the help that you need, but don't let others do all the work for you, no matter how tempting it may be. Taking advantage of another person's good nature, especially someone you care about, will come back to haunt you later. Be honest and be fair and you will spend less time living with regrets. Avoid playing casino games that you typically find challenging or that require bigger budgets. Pay attention to this week's lucky numbers: 24, 33, and 42.

Feb 23 - Mar 22

Famous Pisceans
Drew Barrymore
Kurt Cobain
Shaquille O'Neal
Chuck Norris
Elizabeth Taylor
Cindy Crawford

Pisces - February 18, 2021 - Coping with unwelcome changes is never easy and this week it may prove to be exceptionally difficult, especially if you feel like you are coping with these changes alone. Do not bottle up the negative feelings and energy you have. Release them in a healthy way and allow yourself the time you need to be angry, frustrated or sad. Grief isn't an easy feeling and it is one that needs to be felt and fully realized before the healing process can begin. When you are ready to accept what you've lost, you will see again that you are not alone and that there are still more victories possible, in your personal life and at the casino, in the future. Pay attention to this week's lucky numbers: 4, 10, and 26.

The year 2020 will bring change for Leo. They will fall in love, gain more confidence in them, or find a talent they will develop. In addition, they will have the chance of a considerable financial gain.

Led by the Sun, the Leo feels great in the spotlight and is the one who invented self-confidence. Lions are fun, theatrical, out of the way out of exuberant and rude leaders. They never give up until they get where they want (and their targets are not at all modest). They will be first in all, very praised and appreciated. The expression of self and creativity are the basic characteristics of a Leo. This native knows very well that everything that happens in his life is the product of the willful creation.



The amorous sector is actively announcing in 2020, so there is a need for presence and intervention on time.

In the first quarter of the year, the amorous atmosphere is harmonious until March since there may be tensions between you and your loved one, most likely triggered by the fact that there is a communication gap between you or maybe you are not altogether sincere .

In the second quarter of 2020, but especially from April onwards, bachelors born in this sign may not have much success at the mercy of theirs and not have much luck in love in the middle of spring this year.

In the third quarter of the year, things return to sentimental norms, flirting portraits, the spark of the already established couples reappears. Since July, true love gives way.

In the fourth quarter of 2020, from November onward, you communicate well emotionally with your loved one, sign that you are connected to the same inner frequency and vibrate in unison. However, it is to be expected that there will still be some groundbreaking reasons. But these are still salt and pepper in couple at times.

Money and Career

The stars announce a 2020 where the amount of work you deposit is still quite large, and the rewards are, at least in your opinion, inversely proportional to the effort you have made. However, bear in mind that, although there are grievances, you are heading in the right direction and making rather significant progress.

In the first quarter of March, there may be tensions in the life and / or business partnership with regard to the finances won jointly and / or held jointly, which could complicate the way things were going between you and the associates and / or your loved one. Address this issue in a nutshell and it will resolve somehow.

In the second quarter of 2020, but especially from April onwards, there is a period of several months in which it may be difficult to maintain a steady pace of work and pay more attention to the same thing.

In the third quarter of the year, but especially from September onwards, it's easy to get back to work, but it's important not to let yourself go. Relaxation is extremely important.

In the fourth quarter of the year, and especially from November onwards, the money is gained in terms of money earned and / or detained in association with the loved one and / or associates. Since December, success envelops you, you are on an ascending slope!

It is true that, compared to other signs, the professional and financial fields will be of great concern to you, but it is important to know that even though the efforts and the worries they are going to create will be quite high, there are some rewards.

Health and vitality

In 2020, this life span should be among those to which you have a special interest. Great attention to joints, back discomfort, rheumatism or dental affections. Take great care, take calcium!

Since February, you're doing pretty well in terms of health, but in March, your emotional balance is pretty fragile. Take care of the problems that shake your inner balance, detach yourself from everything and everything!

From April onwards, we come back to the attention of old, relapsing diseases.

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